Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Pengasihani
Wahai sekalian umat manusia! Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu: Bukti dari Tuhan kamu, dan Kami pula telah menurunkan kepada kamu (Al-Quran sebagai) Nur (cahaya) yang menerangi (segala apa jua yang membawa kejayaan di dunia ini dan kebahagiaan yang kekal di akhirat kelak).
(Surah 4 :174)
I - Realiti Kerohanian Cahaya
1 - Pengenalan kepada Quantum Fizik
Fizik kuantum adalah relativiti bidang saintifik baru yang cuba menerangkan tingkah laku zarah tak terhingga kecil seperti elektron, proton dan neutron. Ia juga dikenali sebagai mekanik kuantum. Keperluan untuk fizik kuantum berasal dari fakta bahawa undang-undang fizik klasik mula merosot pada skala yang kecil.
Salah satu aspek yang paling penting dalam fizik kuantum adalah sifat-sifat dua cahaya. Teori kuantum negeri cahaya yang terang mempamerkan bersifat dwi: ia mempunyai kedua-dua gelombang dan zarah hartanah. Apakah gelombang dan zarah?
- Zarah adalah terhad, pakej sedikit konkrit (elektron misalnya). Mereka setempat dan dengan itu hanya wujud di lokasi tertentu yang boleh dikenal pasti melalui x, y dan z koordinat.
- Gelombang adalah entiti delocalized yang membawa tenaga tetapi tidak besar-besaran.
Menurut fizik klasik, cahaya adalah gelombang elektromagnet bergerak pada kelajuan malar c = 299,792,458 m / s, yang dikenali sebagai kelajuan cahaya. Oleh itu, ahli fizik klasik percaya bahawa cahaya yang dibawa tidak besar-besaran.
Einstein pada tahun 1905 membuktikan bahawa cahaya juga datang dalam "pakej diskret" yang dikenali sebagai foton. Eksperimen Einstein, yang kini dipanggil Kesan fotoelektrik, adalah revolusioner. Ia membuktikan bahawa cahaya boleh terkuantum dalam paket tenaga dipanggil Quanta (jamak dari kuantum). Berikut adalah dua tokoh yang mewakili kedua-dua sifat-sifat cahaya.
2. Realiti Rohani daripada Sifat Quantum Cahaya.
a - Sifat Dual Cahaya dan Dua Wajah Rasulullah (SAW)
Menurut saintis moden, cahaya terdiri daripada pakej tenaga diskret dipanggil foton. Di bawah adalah gambaran terperinci foton tunggal.
Foton A mempunyai beberapa ciri-ciri utama:
- Ia bertindak sebagai kedua-dua gelombang dan zarah (dualiti gelombang-zarah).
- Ia adalah dalam keadaan pergerakan yang berterusan dan bergerak pada kelajuan cahaya.
- Ia mempunyai jisim sifar.
- Ia membawa tenaga.
- Ia boleh berinteraksi dengan zarah yang lain seperti elektron.
- Ia bertanggungjawab untuk semua fenomena elektromagnet
Foton adalah pembawa semua bentuk cahaya. Ini termasuk cahaya yang boleh dilihat, cahaya inframerah, ketuhar gelombang mikro, cahaya ultraungu, gelombang radio, sinar gamma, sinar-X dan juga gelombang radio.
Dengan kedualan gelombang-zarah, foton adalah manifestasi saintifik Nabi yang dikenali kerana mempunyai dua muka: satu muka iaitu dengan penciptaan dan satu lagi iaitu dengan Pencipta. Dakwaan ini disahkan oleh kata:
"Saya mempunyai satu wajah dengan Pencipta dan
saya mempunyai satu wajah dengan penciptaan."
Hadis berkaitan dengan Shaykh Kabbani Buku Sejarah dan Panduan daripada Sains Rantaian Emas ".
Ini kata-kata yang penting adalah pada asas postulat kedua, yang menyatakan bahawa cahaya hanya link yang mungkin di antara bingkai yang mutlak dan yang relativiti. Malah, kerana Nabi adalah dapat menyaksikan peristiwa-peristiwa yang terdapat kedua-dua di sebelah Tuhan dan penciptaan, beliau adalah di sebuah stesen penting yang menghubungkan kejadian dengan Pencipta.
Menurut postulat ke-3, cahaya perlu mempamerkan ciri yang sama dengan Rasulullah (SAW) kerana ia mewakili beliau di alam semesta kita. Oleh itu, sifat dua muka atau dua foton adalah manifestasi muka dual Nabi.
Badan luar foton mewakili badan fizikal Nabi (SAW) manakala tenaga dalaman yang mewakili jiwa kenabian Rasulullah.
Kerohanian Adalah Tenaga
Dalam alam semesta kita kerohanian ditunjukkan oleh tenaga dalaman foton kerana ia mewakili jiwa kenabian yang merupakan sumber semua lampu rohani. Begitu juga, perkara ditunjukkan oleh badan luar foton kerana ia mewakili badan fizikal Nabi (SAW).
Kerohanian adalah entiti yang bebas daripada besar-besaran dan penuh tenaga tulen. Ia hadir di semua peringkat penciptaan dan di setiap bahagian alam semesta. Kerohanian ini dimanifestasikan dalam sains sebagai foton dalaman tenaga E mengikut persamaan:
di mana h ialah pemalar Planck, c adalah kelajuan cahaya dan λ panjang gelombang cahaya.
Hubungan songsang antara panjang gelombang cahaya dan tenaga foton yang bermakna cahaya yang terdiri daripada foton tenaga yang tinggi (seperti cahaya "biru") mempunyai panjang gelombang yang pendek.
Begitu juga, cahaya yang terdiri daripada foton tenaga yang rendah (seperti cahaya "merah") mempunyai panjang gelombang yang panjang.
3 - Kebijaksanaan Penemuan Corak Alam Cahaya
Sebelum permulaan abad ke-19, cahaya itu dipercayai terdiri daripada zarah. Teori zarah telah dipopularkan oleh Newton yang merupakan salah seorang penyokongnya pencipta dan yang paling terkenal.
Walau bagaimanapun, pada tahun 1801, Thomas Young (1773-1829) berjaya membuktikan bahawa cahaya mempamerkan sifat gelombang dan, pada akhir abad ke-19, konsep gelombang cahaya telah diterima secara meluas. Penemuan saintifik abad ke-20 ini membawa kita pemahaman yang baru cahaya sebagai Einstein membuktikan bahawa kedua-dua pameran cahaya zarah dan gelombang hartanah.
Menurut postulat ke-3 semua tindakan fizikal adalah refleksi tindakan rohani. Oleh itu, mesti ada hikmah yang tersembunyi di sebalik corak penemuan sifat-sifat cahaya (zarah pertama, kemudian melambai dan harta kemudian dual).Mengikut Kerohanian , sifat zarah cahaya berkaitan dengan realiti Nabi Musa (as) kerana perutusannya menangani aspek-aspek fizikal dan luaran kehidupan.
Malah, Nabi Musa (as) meletakkan asas peraturan berkaitan dengan bahan adalah melalui Sepuluh Perintah . Begitu juga, sifat gelombang cahaya berkaitan dengan realiti Nabi Isa (as) kerana perutusannya menangani aspek kehidupan rohani . Yesus mengajar kita nilai-nilai dalaman hidup seperti keampunan, kasih sayang dan kedamaian. Akhirnya, zarah / sifat gelombang dwi cahaya berkaitan dengan realiti Nabi Muhammad (SAW) kerana perutusannya menangani dimensi fizikal dan spiritual hidup kerana dia telah dihantar untuk menyempurnakan misi Musa dan Yesus Kristus dan menjelmakan mereka melalui meterainya.
Oleh itu, hikmah corak penampilan sifat-sifat cahaya terletak pada hakikat bahawa ia mencerminkan corak penampilan daripada petikan nubuatan tiga nabi yang paling penting.
Malah, mesej kenabian Musa (as) muncul dahulu dan kemudian diikuti semasa Yesus Kristus Nabi Muhammad muncul lepas.
Perlu diingat bahawa walaupun pemahaman cahaya berubah sepanjang abad, sifat intrinsik tidak. Menurut postulat ke-3, ini adalah dalam harmoni dengan sifat cahaya kenabian yang didiami semua nabi. Cahaya ini muncul dalam setiap nabi dengan ciri-ciri yang berbeza untuk menyesuaikan masa dan untuk memahamkan masyarakat mereka, sama seperti cahaya muncul melalui apa yang kelihatan seperti sifat yang berbeza sepanjang abad.
Sebagai cahaya adalah salah pada asasnya, begitu juga cahaya kenabian. Malah menurut kepercayaan Islam, semua nabi adalah saudara-saudara rohani yang
sabda Nabi:
"Saya yang paling hampir dengan putera Maryam, dan semua nabi adalah saudara-saudara sebelah bapa, n dan tidak ada Nabi antara aku dan dia (iaitu Yesus Kristus). "
Salih Bukhari, Jilid 4, Kitab 55, Nombor 651
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah
"Kedua-dua di dunia dan di akhirat,
Saya yang paling hampir semua orang kepada Yesus, anak Maryam.
Nabi adalah saudara-saudara sebelah bapa;
Ibu mereka adalah berbeza, tetapi agama mereka satu. "
Salih Bukharir, Jilid 4, Kitab 55, Nombor 652
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah
The universal prophetic light that appeared in every prophet bears different names. It is sometimes referred to as the Adamic Light for it is the light that gave life to the first man. Some faiths refer to it as the Abrahimic Light in reference to the monotheistic religions the three greatest prophets created. Christian call it the Light of Jesus Christ and Muslims the Muhammadan Light.
- The Velocity Cahaya dan Rank Kerohanian Nabi
Sains membuktikan bahawa kelajuan cahaya, yang adalah sama dengan 299,792,458 meter sesaat (atau 186,000 batu / kedua), adalah tetap di seluruh alam semesta. Kelajuan cahaya adalah kelajuan yang semua gelombang elektromagnet merambat dalam vakum. Ia adalah tetap kerana ia adalah bebas daripada halaju relatif antara sumber dan pemerhati.
Mateen Siddiqui dan Ziad Sidawi, dua pelajar Shaykh Kabbani ini, terangkan sifat tetap cahaya di dalam syarat-syarat berikut:
"Ia diterima secara universal, walaupun yang luar biasa untuk memahami, kelajuan cahaya adalah malar bagi semua pemerhati tanpa mengira kelajuan atau arah mereka. Einstein menerangkan bahawa sebagai objek meningkat dalam kelajuan, menghampiri kelajuan cahaya, panjang fizikal berkurangan, peningkatan besar-besaran. Dan dengan itu kita dapati lubang hitam mempunyai jisim yang tak terhingga tetapi saiz tidak.
Sebagai objek menghampiri kelajuan cahaya, masa melambatkan tetapi kelajuan cahaya kekal malar. Jadi, jika dia bergerak pada 185.999 batu / kedua, masih cahaya memandu laju lalu dia di 186,000 batu / kedua. Dia akan tidak pernah "memecahkan halangan cahaya"; satu tidak dapat mendekatinya. Namun, jika dia sampai kelajuan cahaya, masa berhenti sama sekali. "
Siddiqui dan Sidawi. Petikan dari wacana rohani.
Menurut postulat ke-3, yang sabar daripada kelajuan cahaya di alam semesta ini adalah manifestasi kehadiran berterusan Nabi (SAW). Rasulullah (SAW) selalu hadir sebagai seorang saksi untuk penciptaan. Walaupun kedua adalah tertakluk kepada perubahan peristiwa kerana sifat yang tidak konsisten, Rasulullah (SAW) masih kekal, sentiasa melihat dan memerhatikan penciptaan. Begitu juga, cahaya masih berterusan kepada semua pelancong, tidak kira berapa cepat mereka dalam perjalanan.
Satu fakta menarik saintifik tentang sifat malar halaju cahaya ialah pada halaju yang besar, undang-undang fizikal bengkok untuk menampung keteguhan daripada halaju cahaya.
Dalam erti kata lain, realiti fizikal menjadi diputarbelitkan supaya kelajuan cahaya boleh kekal malar. Fenomena ini dikenali dalam bidang sains sebagai Transformasi Lorentz.
Wikipedia ensiklopedia menerangkan Lorentz Transformasi fenomena seperti berikut:
"Pemerhati bergerak pada halaju yang besar akan mencari jarak dan masa adalah diputarbelitkan (" diluaskan ") selaras dengan Mengubah Lorentz. Walau bagaimanapun, jelmaan memutarbelitkan masa dan jarak dalam apa-apa cara yang kelajuan cahaya kekal malar. [Itu], di bawah Transformasi Lorentz, kelajuan cahaya adalah sama dalam semua bingkai rujukan, seperti yang didalilkan oleh relativiti khas.
Ensiklopedia Wikipedia.
1 – Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equation is the Muhammadan Light
The mass-energy equation is given by the formula:
Where E is the energy of an object, m its mass and c the speed of light. This equation states that the energy of an object is equal to its mass times the speed of light squared.
Let us take a closer look at Einstein’s equation. Dividing both sides of the equation by m, the object’ s mass, we get:
This equation is mathematically the same as equation (2). We simply re-arranged the variables in a more suitable way, leaving the velocity of light on one side and the two other components on the other. Mathematically speaking, this new equation, which is new in form only and not in substance, states that the velocity of light depends on two variables: an object’s internal energy and its mass.
From a spiritual viewpoint, the speed of light c represents the Prophetic or Muhammadan Light we described earlier; the energy E represents the spiritual world and the mass M represents the material world. Consequently, equation (3) states that the Muhammadan Light is equal to the ratio of the two characteristics of any created entity: its spiritual reality and its physical one.
This conclusion is in perfect harmony with the 2nd postulate which states that light has two components or two “faces”: a spiritual one and a material one. Let us recall that this assertion is verified by the Prophet’s saying:
“I have one face with the Creator and I have one face with creation.”
Hadith related by Shaykh Kabbani in History and Guidebook of the Saints of the Golden Chain.
here E is the energy of an object, m its mass and c the speed of light. This equation states that the energy of an object is equal to its mass times the speed of light squared.
Let us take a closer look at Einstein’s equation. Dividing both sides of the equation by m, the object’ s mass, we get:
This equation is mathematically the same as equation (2). We simply re-arranged the variables in a more suitable way, leaving the velocity of light on one side and the two other components on the other. Mathematically speaking, this new equation, which is new in form only and not in substance, states that the velocity of light depends on two variables: an object’s internal energy and its mass.
From a spiritual viewpoint, the speed of light c represents the Prophetic or Muhammadan Light we described earlier; the energy E represents the spiritual world and the mass M represents the material world. Consequently, equation (3) states that the Muhammadan Light is equal to the ratio of the two characteristics of any created entity: its spiritual reality and its physical one.
This conclusion is in perfect harmony with the 2nd postulate which states that light has two components or two “faces”: a spiritual one and a material one. Let us recall that this assertion is verified by the Prophet’s saying:
“I have one face with the Creator and I have one face with creation.”
Hadith related by Shaykh Kabbani in History and Guidebook of the Saints of the Golden Chain.
In this saying, the term “Creator” represents the spiritual reality which is made up of pure, heavenly energy, while the term “creation” represents the material reality which is made up of physical matter and created substance. Below is Einstein’s mass-energy equation interpreted as a manifestation of the Muhammadan Light.
Secrets from E=mc2
1 – Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equation is the Muhammadan Light
The mass-energy equation is given by the formula:
Where E is the energy of an object, m its mass and c the speed of light. This equation states that the energy of an object is equal to its mass times the speed of light squared.
Let us take a closer look at Einstein’s equation. Dividing both sides of the equation by m, the object’ s mass, we get:
This equation is mathematically the same as equation (2). We simply re-arranged the variables in a more suitable way, leaving the velocity of light on one side and the two other components on the other. Mathematically speaking, this new equation, which is new in form only and not in substance, states that the velocity of light depends on two variables: an object’s internal energy and its mass.
From a spiritual viewpoint, the speed of light c represents the Prophetic or Muhammadan Light we described earlier; the energy E represents the spiritual world and the mass M represents the material world. Consequently, equation (3) states that the Muhammadan Light is equal to the ratio of the two characteristics of any created entity: its spiritual reality and its physical one.
This conclusion is in perfect harmony with the 2nd postulate which states that light has two components or two “faces”: a spiritual one and a material one. Let us recall that this assertion is verified by the Prophet’s saying:
“I have one face with the Creator and I have one face with creation.”
Hadith related by Shaykh Kabbani in History and Guidebook of the Saints of the Golden Chain.
here E is the energy of an object, m its mass and c the speed of light. This equation states that the energy of an object is equal to its mass times the speed of light squared.
Let us take a closer look at Einstein’s equation. Dividing both sides of the equation by m, the object’ s mass, we get:
This equation is mathematically the same as equation (2). We simply re-arranged the variables in a more suitable way, leaving the velocity of light on one side and the two other components on the other. Mathematically speaking, this new equation, which is new in form only and not in substance, states that the velocity of light depends on two variables: an object’s internal energy and its mass.
From a spiritual viewpoint, the speed of light c represents the Prophetic or Muhammadan Light we described earlier; the energy E represents the spiritual world and the mass M represents the material world. Consequently, equation (3) states that the Muhammadan Light is equal to the ratio of the two characteristics of any created entity: its spiritual reality and its physical one.
This conclusion is in perfect harmony with the 2nd postulate which states that light has two components or two “faces”: a spiritual one and a material one. Let us recall that this assertion is verified by the Prophet’s saying:
“I have one face with the Creator and I have one face with creation.”
Hadith related by Shaykh Kabbani in History and Guidebook of the Saints of the Golden Chain.
In this saying, the term “Creator” represents the spiritual reality which is made up of pure, heavenly energy, while the term “creation” represents the material reality which is made up of physical matter and created substance. Below is Einstein’s mass-energy equation interpreted as a manifestation of the Muhammadan Light.
In Islamic terms, energy is referred to as hayat while matter is called dunya. Thus the Muhammadan Light has two components: hayat and dunya.
2 – Secrets of the Squared Light
In Einstein’s mass-energy equation we notice that the light’s velocity c is squared. It should therefore be read as c x c. This squared velocity is a manifestation of the constant and exponential ascension of the Muhammadan Light. Indeed, the Prophet’s light is multiplied by itself at every moment as described and documented by Islamic scholars. Speaking about this reality, Shaykh Kabbani explains:
“The Prophet said: ‘God is raising me mithlaini, mithlaini (double, double) in the higher levels’.
The Prophet’s ascension increases by twice the previous level at every moment. This is an ascension [of light] multiplied by itself.”
Shaykh Kabbani
The squared velocity of light is also hidden in a verse of the Holy Quran called the Verse of Light (Ayat al Nur). This verse is as follows:
“God is the Light of Heavens and earth.
The similitude of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp,
The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a shining star.
(This lamp) is kindled from a blessed tree,
An olive neither of the East nor of the West,
Whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself) though no fire touched it.
Light upon Light, God guides unto His light whom He wills.
And God speaketh to mankind in allegories,
for God is Knower of all things.”
Holy Quran – Verse an-Nur, 24:35
In this Verse, God refers to the divine light as “Light upon Light” and renowned Islamic scholars, such as Imam Ghazzali in his book Mishkat al Anwar (The Niche of Secrets), agree that this divine light is in fact the prophetic or Muhammadan Light. According to the 3rd postulate, the manifestation of this characteristic of the prophetic light is found in the squared light of Einstein’s mass-energy equation. “Light upon Light” literally means light that is reflected upon itself, i.e., c x c.
3 – Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equation is the Holy Verse of Light
In the Verse of Light, God says the similitude of the Muhammadan Light is that of a niche where there is a lamp that is enclosed in a glass which is shinning like a brilliant star. The lamp carries some light that is generated by a medium that is “neither of the East nor of the West”, which, Islamic scholars agree, mean “not from this world”. Therefore, the lamp carries a light that is not from the physical or material world. This light is the spiritual light of the heaven.
The lamp carrying this spiritual light is enclosed in a glass that is as a “shining star”. The glass is the physical container of the lamp which is carrying the spiritual light. So the glass or physical container is a light itself. This is the physical light of the universe.
These two lights represent the same light that is illuminating two different realities: the spiritual one and the material one. Since the two light are in fact one in essence, they are therefore reflected upon each other. Thus, God concludes: “Light upon Light”.
The “niche” represents light as we know it and the lamp and the glass are its spiritual and physical properties, respectively. Einstein’s mass-energy equation is therefore a manifestation of the verse of Light.
Einstein proved that an object’s mass carries some energy E. Therefore the radio E/M (energy over mass) is also the mathematical manifestation of the term “Light upon Light”. Literally speaking, one could read E/M as “light over light” which would mean “spiritual light over material light”, as expressed in figure 7.
A closer look at the radio of E/M reveals that the spiritual light is on top of the material one. The ratio is only equal to the speed of light when the spiritual light is the numerator of the equation. This mathematical truth reveals the superiority of the heavenly world which is above the material world and possesses a higher value.
4 – Scientific Proof of the Existence of Life in Matter
According to spiritual and religious beliefs, every created object (from the immensely huge galaxies to the infinitely small atomic particles) possesses a spiritual soul that makes it alive. The 3rd postulate guarantees the existence of this reality in modern science.
In 1923, a French scientist named Louis de Broglie (1892-1987) argued that all particles in the universe possess both wave and particle properties. Author and world-renowned scientist Dr. Serway comments:
“In his doctoral dissertation, Louis de Broglie postulated that because photons have both wave and particle characteristics, perhaps all forms of matter have both properties. This was a highly revolutionary idea with no experimental confirmation at that time. According to de Broglie, electrons, just like light, have a dual particle-wave nature. Accompanying every electron is a wave (not an electromagnetic wave). Only three years later, in 1926, C.J. Davisson (1881-1958) and L.H. Germer (1896-1971) of the United States succeeded in measuring the wavelength of electrons. Their important discovery provided the first experimental confirmation of the matter waves proposed by de Broglie.”
Serway. Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol 2. P. 1311-1312
De Broglie was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1929 for his prediction of the wave nature of particles. His discovery implies that every physical object carries a part of the Muhammadan Light in itself, thus exhibiting the dual wave-matter characteristics of this light. This assertion is verified by Islamic scholars who agree that the Prophet (SAW) is present within every created particle or creation, including human being, as stated by the Holy Quran:
“Know that the Prophet is within you.”
Wa’ alamu anna feekum Rasulullah
Holy Quran 49:7
Shaykh Kabbani explains this verse as follows:
“That [Holy Verse] is giving a hidden meaning here.
[It] means that the Prophet’s presence must exist at all times for all the people, for mankind to follow. [God] did not say he is “baynakum”,
which means “among you”, but He said “feekum” – “in you”.
The Holy Quran is delicate in every letter and every sentence.
If the Prophet is in us, so then God is saying to us here, “where then is he now?”.
Shaykh Kabbani. Comments from a spiritual discourse.
Therefore the Muhammadan Light is an eternal and constant component of every particle. The presence of the Muhammadan Light in every type of matter guaranties the presence of the spiritual.
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